Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello my fellow blue phantoms,

The gay phantom is here. I'm almost done with my prelims so all you phantoms who are going to start on yours this week should just find a wall and smash your dicks into it. By the way, i'm gonna be at Sentosa tomorrow. So if anyone of you loyal phantoms wanna see me topless and maybe even... come down and look for the one and only GAYPHANTOM!

Ahhh fuck la this is so lame. Seriously! I don't understand why people blog. I can't bring myself to type something this lame and try to sound funny la. Fuck la. Wanna have a good laugh? Go read Times or Newsweek bitches!

Monday, August 09, 2010


Guess we now know who is the one who have been waiting faithfully and broke into tears when they found the blue moon my friends!

Right. So since i just got back my blog yesterday, ill just try to be excited about it and post today. Okay... its already starting to bore me. Guess we can end here today! Till i find something more exciting to blog about.

Telling you about how i spend my afternoon in tuition(nothing interesting happened), later afternoon at novena *bucks( many interesting things happened), and my evening in a FUCKING stupid lan shop in some sleazy building playing FUCKING stupid games and screaming like pussies isnt exactly going to be exciting to you i guess. So yeah.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


3 years and 6 months later, i finally found the time and motivation to screw and get my blog back. Actually, honestly speaking, it wasn't that hard. Just a few clicks to reset my password which isn't wrong in the first place. So yeah, dagayphantom is back. Hopefully a few of you who used to check out this blog in the past have been checking it ever so faithfully for the past 3 years are still doing so. If you have been doing so, i guess its time to cry. Its like FINALLY, hoping that the blog is still alive is not a dream but reality. NOT! What the shit is wrong with you. If you spent 3 years waiting, weep for yourself. Hahaha LOSER!

Okay, i don't really feel like writing anything.